Rules and Regulation's
Dress and Appearance

Students must come to school wearing the correct school uniform. Uniform must be neatly cleaned and ironed.


Personal cleanliness, hygiene and neatness is expected at all times. Hair must be neatly cut/pinned/plaited and combed. Nails must be kept clean and short. Boys must maintain their hair trim and neat. Fancy hairstyles and coloured hair is not allowed.


Students are not permitted to wear costly or fancy watches, chains, earrings, belts etc. Primary students are not allowed to wear watches.


Students are not allowed to colour / spike / gel their hair, wear nailpolish, tattoo or any henna design. Fancy hairstyles are not allowed.


The Shirt must be fully buttoned.


ID card must be worn at all times.

School Diary

Every student must possess the school diary and it should be brought to the school daily and presented to the teacher as and when requested.


Students must maintain the school calendar neatly. No fancy stickers may be stuck or pictures/designs drawn in the school calendar.


No student/parent may tamper with the remarks given in the calendar. All remarks must be promptly signed by the parent.


The Remarks/ Observations in the school Diary must be signed by the parents, failing which the students will be given detention for the day.

School Property

Care must be taken to keep the school clean at all times. Litter must be disposed off in the dustbins provided.


Students must take care of the school property. No scratches, writings or drawings may be made on the school furniture or walls.


Damage done by accident must be reported to the class teacher. Students who willfully damage school property must make good the damage done.


Students must respect and obey their teachers and School authorities at all times.


Running, playing and shouting in the classrooms and corridors during study hours is forbidden. Students must not indulge in fights and physical and verbal abuse in school. Stringent action will be taken against all students instigating and/or participating in such acts.


Chewing gum in the school premises is strictly forbidden.


Students are not permitted to bring story books (other than school library books), magazines, picture books, video games, audio and video cassettes/DVD’s/CD’s, fancy items, Walkman’s or Mobile phones to the school.This rule is applicable for class, practices, Annual Day, Sports Day, Picnic etc. Any such property found in the possession of the student will be confiscated by the school.


All school leaders must be given due respect.


Students must record and follow the specific instructions given by their teachers.


Students must walk in line keeping to the left of the corridor while going to library, Science laboratory, music room, Computer lab and Physical Education period.


Students must not bring any kind of vehicles while coming to school.


Students must remove their shoes before entering the Computer lab. The computers must be handled with care and a strict decorum must be maintained.


Students must maintain complete silence in the library. The books borrowed must be maintained properly and must be returned on time, failing which a fine will be charged.

Health and Hygiene

Every student should have breakfast before coming to school.


Non-vegetarian food in tiffin is strictly prohibited.


The lunch given to the ward must be nutritious.


Students must wash their hands before and after lunch.

Maintenance of Study Materials

All school books must be labelled and neatly maintained throughout the year.


Books must be brought according to the day’s timetable without fail.


Students are not permitted to paste stickers and colour the pages of school notebooks unless specifically instructed by the teachers.

School Timings

Students must be present in the school on time.


Parents/Drivers coming to pick up their wards will not be permitted into the corridors/classrooms. They will have to wait in the designated areas for their wards.


Children coming late to school will have detention for one period.


Children are expected to disperse after the school is over. The School will not be held responsible for any child remaining in the premises after school timing unless the class teacher has asked them to do so. A note for the same will be mentioned in the diary.

Meeting the Staff

Parents may meet the Teachers/Principal / V. Principals/Co-ordinator during allotted time.


Under no circumstances may a teacher be disturbed in the classrooms. Parents must also make it convenient to meet the Principal/V. Principals/ Co-ordinator/Counsellor/ Teacher in case of such request by the school authorities.

PTA Meetings and Open Days

Parents must attend the scheduled PTA meetings and the Open Days in the interest of their wards.


All report cards will be handed over only to the parents/guardians. Under no circumstances will the report card be given to a student or any other unauthorized person.


Under exceptional circumstances if the parent would like the report card to be handed over to any other responsible person, the prior permission of the Principal has to be obtained and a letter of authorization must be given to that person.

Attendance and Leave of Absence

In all cases of absence from school, the parent is expected to make a note in the specified section of the school calendar.


Absence for 3 to 5 days on medical grounds must be accompanied by a medical certificate and should be sanctioned by the Coordinator. For any other absence of more than 5 days the written sanction of the Principal is required.


No student should leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal/ V. Principals/Coordinator. Parents seeking to take their child/ward during school hours must meet the Principal/ V. Principals/Coordinator for permission. Students will be permitted to leave the class during school hours only when the parent reports in person at the school reception and secures the necessary permission.


Students will not be sent with drivers/friends/relatives without the written request of the Parent.


Students suffering from contagious diseases must stay away from school and seek medical attention. A student returning to school after suffering from an infection or contagious disease should produce a fitness certificate from the Doctor. Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class :

Chicken pox – till scabs fall off
Cholera – till the child is completely well
Measles – Two weeks after the rash disappears
Mumps – About one month, until the swelling has subsided
Whooping Cough – Six weeks after recovery
Jaundice – Six weeks after recovery

It is compulsory for the students to complete 75% of attendance in the year to make them eligible to sit for their final exams. The percentage however, could be relaxed on medical grounds but such students will not be eligible for any academic rewards.


Any student who is sick should not come on the day of evaluation. The child will not be given a zero , but the average will be considered when the medical certificate is produced.

Celebration of Birthdays

Students are permitted to wear festive dress on birthdays and distribute common chocolates/sweets to their classmates and teachers. However students may not enter or disturb other classes for this purpose. In this context distribution of fancy gifts / sweets & celebration of class parties is not permitted.

Staff Tuition Policy

School teachers are not permitted to take tuitions for any student who is directly taught in class by him / her.

Staff Gift Policy

Parents are requested not to give gifts to individual teachers/ or non-teaching staff for any occasion.

After – School

No student is permitted to come to school on Saturdays / holidays unless the teacher has given a written note. Students coming for practices on Saturdays / holidays must be in school uniform.


Parents are earnestly requested to pick up their child/ward when the school ends. Please note that school is not responsible for anything that happens after school hours unless the student is specifically called after school hours by the teachers with a written note to the effect.